‘Wolf Pack’ is a brand-new Paramount+ series from ‘Teen Wolf’ boss Jeff Davis, based on the book series by Edo Van Belkom. The series follows a teenage boy and girl whose lives are changed forever when a California wildfire awakens a terrifying supernatural creature and drives it to attack a highway traffic jam beneath the burning hills. Wounded in the chaos, the boy and girl are inexplicably drawn to each other and to two other teenagers who were adopted 16 years earlier by a park ranger after another mysterious wildfire. As the full moon rises, all four teens come together to unravel the secret that connects them – the bite and blood of a werewolf.
The series stars Armani Jackson, Bella Shepard, Chloe Rose Robertson, Tyler Lawrence Gray, Rodrigo Santoro, and Sarah Michelle Gellar. Additional cast includes Bailey Stender, Chase Liefeld, Hollie Bahar, Lanny Joon, Rio Mangini, Stella Smith, Zack Nelson, James Martinez, Amy Pietz, Bria Brimmer, John L. Adams, and Sean Philip Glasgow. See more photos of the ‘Wolf Pack’ cast in our gallery now.