‘United We Fall’ is a family sitcom that follows the trials and tribulations of Jo and Bill, parents of two young kids, as they try to make it day-to-day as a functioning family. Bill’s very judgmental live-in-mother and Jo’s large Latinx Catholic family will never hesitate to let our couple know they’re seemingly screwing up, but Bill and Jo will always have each other’s backs, united against everyone – other parents, teachers, doctors, specialists, coaches, co-workers, and especially their kids. It’s the heartfelt and hilarious family show we need right now. The show stars Will Sasso as Bill Ryan, Christina Vidal Mitchell as Jo Rodriguez, Jane Curtin as Sandy Ryan, Guillermo Diaz as Chuy Rodriguez, and Ella Grace Helton as Emily Ryan. ‘United We Fall’ will premiere July 15 and air Wednesdays on ABC. See more photos of the show ‘United We Fall’ in our gallery now.