‘The Falcon & The Winter Soldier’ is a new Disney+ series that premiered on March 19. In this series, Falcon and Winter Soldier team up on a global adventure that tests their abilities and their patience. The show takes place in the aftermath of ‘Avengers: Endgame’ as Sam and Bucky grapple with post-Blip life and life without Steve Rogers. Anthony Mackie and Sebastian Stan return as Sam Wilson/Falcon and Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier. ‘The Falcon & The Winter Soldier’ also stars Emily VanCamp as Sharon Carter, Daniel Bruhl as Baron Zemo, and Wyatt Russell as John Walker. “It’s an epic, character-driven story,” director Kari Skogland said in a statement. “We get to go inside these characters and their world in a much more intimate way. If the movies were a snack, this six-hour series is the meal. And yet, it has all of the wonderful things that come with the MCU—action, comedy, the high-octane pace, familiar faces, and new characters. It’s all incredibly relatable.’