One of the most exciting, nationally televised events that people all over look forward to watching is the Miss World global competition. Stunning pageant queens from all over the world come together, bringing intelligence, talent and beauty to the stage for millions of spectators to watch. In 2016, the gorgeous Stephanie Del Valle of Puerto Rico took the crown as Miss World, and nobody deserved it more. Born in San Juan in 1996, Del Valle flaunts beauty and grace, as well as intelligence, and won over the competition’s panel of fierce judges.
The 2016 Miss World competition was held in Washington D.C in December 2016. Stephanie impressed the judges with her academia as a student at Pace University in NYC, being tri-lingual in Spanish, English and French and, of course, her stunning beauty. As shown here photographed in Cannes, France in 2018, Stephanie boasts a model-esque 5’9.5” in height, and surely turns heads in her impeccable style. Click through this gallery for pics of this world-class beauty queen!