‘She’s The Boss,’ a new show on USA Network, follows Nicole Walters, a type-A, energetic, jet-setting entrepreneur who runs a multi-million dollar marketing empire and Josh Walters, her quirky and devoted stay-at-home hubby lawyer. Nicole and Josh had only been married a few years when their whole lives changed — they decided to open their home and hearts to three sisters living on the streets. Nicole has conquered the business world… but now she and Josh are learning on-the-fly that being a parent isn’t as easy. Bringing laughs and helping them navigate the wild world of parenting is Eddie, Nicole’s over-the-top executive assistant, “manny” and best friend. The high-energy, unscripted family sitcom focuses on the importance of balancing work and family, laughter and love.
The show premieres on February 25th at 10:30 PM ET on USA Network. Scroll through the gallery for more photos of Nicole Walters & her family!