The six-part documentary series ‘I’ll Be Gone In The Dark’ premieres June 28 and follows Michelle McNamara’s investigation into the violent predator she dubbed the Golden State Killer. The Golden State Killer terrorized the people of California in the 1970s and ‘80s. The GSK is responsible for 50 home-invasion rapes and 12 murders. Michelle went on an intense quest to find the Golden State Killer. Her incredible investigation led to a book deal. Michelle tragically died of an accidental overdose in 2016 before the manuscript for her book was finished. She was just 46 years old at the time of her death. Michelle’s husband, Patton Oswalt, enlisted fellow sleuths she had worked with, Paul Haynes and Billy Jensen, to help finish and publish her book. ‘I’ll Be Gone In The Dark’ was published in 2018 and became a ‘New York Times’ bestseller. See more photos in our gallery now.