Meghan Roche was seen relaxing on a summer vacation with Leonardo DiCaprio on Sunday, June 4. The model, 22, was seen riding a yacht with the Oscar winner, 48, while in Ibiza. Meghan rocked a navy blue outfit over a matching swimsuit in some of the photos, which you can see here, via Just Jared. The actor was also seen relaxing shirtless while on the boat. Later, they were each seen stepping off. Meghan sported a light green top and white pants. Leo was also seen wearing a gray t-shirt and shorts and a baseball cap. In other photos, the actor went for a white t-shirt and light blue shorts.
Aside from enjoying the early summer days with Leo, Meghan is also a rising star in the fashion world herself. Find out more about the model here.
While Meghan has been modeling for years, she recently signed with a new agency. Her Instagram bio is empty except to shoutout her agency DNA Models. It was announced that she signed with the company on May 18, 2023 in a newsletter. She’s already a rising star in the industry with over 400,000 followers on her Instagram.
She began her career when she was just 15, when she signed with Women Management, and her debut was in a photoshoot for Givenchy, per her IMDb. “It was a Givenchy campaign, shot by Steven Meisel. It was my debut, as well as Clare Waight Keller’s first campaign as creative director. The jackpot of firsts! To make it even better, I shot with cats. I love cats,” she said about her debut in a 2020 interview with Fashion Week Daily.
Aside from modeling, Meghan has also dipped her toes into other areas of the entertainment biz! While she’s primarily a model, she does have two acting credits. She appeared as a Royal Sampla Call Girl in the 2012 TV series Occupy My Life. She also appeared alongside other fashion greats, like Hailey Bieber, Dita Von Teese, Winnie Harlow, and Stella Maxwell for a short called Jungle Red.
Aside from being a rising model herself, Meghan has already befriended some of the biggest names in the industry, notably Bella and Gigi Hadid, who Leo has sparked romance rumors with in recent months.
She admitted that she met Bella when she was just starting as a model, and the sisters took her under their wing. “When you’re the new face, like I was, most models look at you like they want to kill you, especially when you open the show. I felt it. Bella gave me a huge hug,” she told FWD. “At the level they are at, Gigi and Bella are the most humble and kind people. They’ve helped me a lot. They call me their Baby Lavender, a joke they made because they have a lavender farm. I’m like their younger sister.”
Meghan has been open about how she didn’t expect to get into modeling when she was younger. She described herself as a “tomboy” growing up. “I played for the best ranked soccer club in the country and later moved on to playing for a top volleyball club — never did I think I would get into the fashion world!” she told The New York Times in a 2018 interview.
Besides sports, she said she would’ve gone on to become a criminal lawyer if she didn’t enter the modeling world. “I take school very seriously. If I hadn’t found my calling so young I would have dedicated myself to my education and getting into an Ivy League,” she told The Times.
Outside of modeling, Meghan has shown that one of her other interests is painting. She posted a time-lapse video of herself painting what appears to be a butterfly on her Instagram, back in July 2020. She mostly used light blue colors, but it’s clear she had a keen eye for what she was painting.
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