Teen Mom premiered Dec. 8, 2009, on MTV as a spinoff of the network’s hit show 16 and Pregnant. The reality show focused on the lives of Farrah Abraham, 29, Catelynn Lowell, 28, Amber Portwood, 30, and Maci Bookout, 29, who appeared in the first season of 16 and Pregnant. Teen Mom became a massive hit and sparked a number of successful spinoffs. After a run from 2009 to 2012, Teen Mom returned in 2015 as Teen Mom OG.
Through the past 11 years, the original Teen Mom stars have experienced so much — marriages, more babies, and other major life events. Farrah, Maci, Catelynn, and Amber — like their kids — have grown up before our eyes. See their incredible transformations over the years.
Farrah Abraham
Farrah Abraham gave birth to her daughter, Sophia, in 2009. Sophia’s father, Derek Underwood, died in a car accident while Farrah was pregnant. While starring on Teen Mom, Farrah got an associate degree in culinary arts and management from the Art Institute of Fort Lauderdale.
The reality star has ventured into both the adult film industry and the music industry. She released her debut studio album, My Teenage Dream Ended, which is also the name of her autobiography, in 2012. Farrah was a full-time cast member on Teen Mom OG through 2018. It’s not entirely clear whether or not she was fired or left, but she has not returned to the show since 2018. She has continued to appear on reality shows like Celebrity Big Brother, Ex on the Beach, and Botched.
Farrah pleaded guilty to resisting arrest in 2018 after she was arrested at the Beverly Hills Hotel. The misdemeanor battery charge she faced was later dismissed, and she was ordered to 12 hours of anger management classes, two years of summary probation, and five days of community service or community labor.
Catelynn Lowell
Catelynn Lowell, 28, and Tyler Baltierra’s journey first began on 16 and Pregnant when they made the decision to give their daughter, Carly, up for adoption. Catelynn and Tyler welcomed their second child, Novalee, in 2015. They married that same year.
Catelynn sought treatment in 2017 after experiencing suicidal thoughts. After a miscarriage, Catelynn went back to treatment in 2018. She has been open about her mental health struggles. Catelynn and Tyler also decided to live separately for a time to work on their relationship, and they have emerged stronger than ever. Catelynn and Tyler’s third child, Vaeda, was born in 2019.
The couple has started their own clothing company called Tierra Reign Apparel. They also released a memoir, Conquering Chaos, in 2015. Catelynn and Tyler also remain in touch with their first-born daughter, Carly, and the couple who adopted her.
Maci Bookout
Maci Bookout, 29, welcomed her first child, Bentley, on 16 and Pregnant in 2009. At the time, she was dating Ryan Edwards. They got engaged in 2009 but split in 2010. Maci started dating her now-husband Taylor McKinney in 2012. They welcomed a daughter, Jayde, in 2015. Maci and Taylor got engaged in 2016. Maci gave birth to a son named Maverick in 2016. That same year, Maci and Taylor were married.
Teen Mom OG has documented Maci’s tumultuous relationship with her ex Ryan, who has faced a number of legal issues, including a 2017 arrest for heroin possession. Maci and Taylor got a two-year restraining order against Ryan in 2018.
In addition to Teen Mom, Maci has written two books: Bulletproof and I Wasn’t Born Bulletproof: Lessons I’ve Learned (So You Don’t Have To). She also owns a clothing brand with Taylor called TTM – Things That Matter.
Amber Portwood
Amber Portwood, 30, gave birth to daughter Leah, whom she shares with ex Gary Shirley, in 2008. The reality star was seen as being violent towards Gary on Teen Mom in 2010. She was arrested and charged with three counts of domestic violence stemming from those interactions, but she did not serve jail time. Amber and Gary did not stay together, and Gary obtained full custody of their daughter in 2011.
In 2011, Amber was arrested for being in possession of a controlled substance and later charged with violating her probation. Her legal woes continued to worsen. After violating her probation a number of times, Amber went to prison in 2012. She was released in 2013 due to good behavior.
Amber dated amateur DJ Matt Baier for a number of years before she started her relationship with Andrew Glennon in 2017. Amber gave birth to her second child, James, in 2018 with Andrew. The next year, in July 2019, Amber was arrested for domestic battery. She was charged with domestic battery, criminal recklessness with a deadly weapon, and domestic battery in the presence of a child. Amber took a plea deal in Oct. 2019. She received one felony charge for the incident and was put on probation for one year. If there weren’t any additional incidents during the one-year probation, Amber’s felony charge would be lowered to a misdemeanor.
Amber started dating Dimitri Garcia in Jan. 2020. However, there is speculation that they have split. Amber has also been working on herself lately. Amber, who has been diagnosed with bipolar disorder and borderline personality disorder, revealed in June 2020 that she’s gained 10 pounds and “feeling a lot better.” She has not posted on social media since July 2020.
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