The beloved cast of ER will be reuniting on Stars In The House on April 22 for a special Earth Day reunion episode benefitting Waterkeeper Alliance. George Clooney, Julianna Marguiles, Noah Wyle, Gloria Reuben, Laura Innes, Anthony Edwards, Alex Kingston, Goran Visnjic, Paul McCrane, Ming-Na Wen, Yvette Freeman, Conni Marie Brazelton, CCH Pounder, Laura Cerón, are all reuniting — virtually, of course — to reminisce about their time at County General. The cast of ER hasn’t had a reunion like this since, well, the series finale in 2009.
ER premiered on September 19, 1994, and became an instant hit for NBC. The series followed the lives of doctors and nurses at County General Hospital in Chicago. ER was the number one show on TV for years and was being watched by 33 million viewers at one point in its tenure. The show came to an end after 15 seasons in 2009. Over the course of 15 seasons, ER assembled an incredible ensemble cast.
George Clooney, 59, is one of the most recognizable names amongst the ER cast, and he was one of the show’s original cast members. He played the womanizing Dr. Doug Ross for the first 5 seasons. ER put him on the path to superstardom. After leaving the show, George went on to star in the Ocean’s trilogy, Good Night, and Good Luck, Michael Clayton, The Ides of March, The Descendants, Up In The Air, and more.
He won an Oscar for Best Supporting Actor for his role in the 2005 film Syriana. He also nabbed an Oscar for producing Argo. He’s stepped behind the camera and directed films like The Midnight Sky, The Ides of March, and more. He’s directing and starring in the upcoming film The Tender Bar. George is married to Amal Clooney, and they have twins, Ella and Alexander, 3.
George’s co-star and onscreen love Julianna Marguiles, 54, was also one of the original cast members. She starred as Carol Hathaway on ER from 1994 to 2000. She won an Emmy for her performance in 1995. Julianna went on to star as Alicia Florrick in the critically-acclaimed legal drama The Good Wife from 2009 to 2016. She won two Emmys and a Golden Globes. She recently starred in the miniseries The Hot Zone, had a recurring role on Billions, and will star in the upcoming second season of The Morning Show.
Everyone fell in love with Noah Wyle, 49, when he began playing the young Dr. John Carter on ER in 1994. Noah starred on the show for its first 11 seasons and returned for the final season of the show. In the years since ER, Noah has gone on to star in The Librarian TV franchise. He also starred on Falling Skies. His performance in the limited series The Red Line in 2019 earned him a Critics’ Choice Award nomination. He’s currently working on the Leverage revival, Leverage: Redemption. Take a look at other stars of ER then and now in our gallery above.
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