Ben Affleck reportedly didn’t attend his wife Jennifer Lopez‘s birthday celebration in New York City over the weekend. Before J.Lo has her 55th birthday on Wednesday, she held a Bridgerton-inspired bash in the Big Apple on Saturday, July 20. While some of the singer’s closest friends and her mom Guadalupe Rodriguez attended, her husband, 51, didn’t go, according to a new report from People, published on Sunday, July 21.
Following the event, multiple sources confirmed that the Good Will Hunting writer and actor was not there. The new report comes following weeks of reports that Bennifer have been experiencing problems in their marriage, which just marked its second anniversary earlier in July.
Even without Ben there, the party looked like it was a roaring good time. Photographers captured staff setting up for the party, and a horse-trailer, adding to the Regency era theme of the show. A few guests were captured arriving in outfits, clearly inspired by the Netflix series. J.Lo’s mom and some of her friends were seen arriving in lavish gowns, that looked like they had come right from the series, per People.
Early on in the summer, reports began to surface that Ben and Jennifer were experiencing problems in their relationship. At the end of June, an insider told Ok Magazine that the Gone Girl star was bummed about the way things had panned out with J.Lo. “Jennifer was Ben’s dream woman,” they said. “It was drama all the time. He’s feeling down about it and is upset and depressed it didn’t work out, even though he knows ending it is the right thing to do.”
In July, the pair also marked two years since tying the knot in an impromptu wedding ceremony in Las Vegas. They didn’t spend time together to celebrate their anniversary. The actress reportedly spent the evening getting dinner with her teenage son Max at an upscale eatery in Bridgehampton, New York, according to Page Six. She was also spotted wearing her wedding ring during a solo outing earlier.
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