Sabrina Carpenter looked fabulous as she walked the runway at Vogue World: Paris at the Place Vendome on Sunday, June 23. The rising popstar, 25, stunning a red-and-white striped outfit to make her runway debut at the fashion event. Her look was designed by French fashion designer Simon Porte Jacquemus, and it was certainly a beachy look, almost giving a bit of a nod to her “Espresso” music video.”
The outfit was covered in red and white stripes. It had a bodice piece that had a darker shade of red and white vertical stripes, with some white straps. She also had a flowing skirt and matching headscarf, with a peppermint-striped look. Some of her signature blonde bangs could be seen peaking out of the top. She completed the look with a set of red heels, and she had a deep red lip on to match her outfit.
Jacquemus provided some more insight into the look with a post on his company’s Instagram. “Vogue asked me to reinterpret my show «LES PARASOLS DE MARSEILLE » and custom pieces for the VOGUE WORLD SHOW! This part was dedicated to the 40´s [sic] and swimwear,” he wrote in the caption.
While this was Sabrina’s runway debut, it’s not her first time stepping in the fashion world. She walked the red carpet at the 2024 Met Gala in May. She appeared in a viral campaign for Kim Kardashian’s SKIMS brand back in April.
Given her close friendship with Taylor Swift, who she opened for on the “Eras Tour,” many fans had questions about Sabrina’s participation in the SKIMS shoot. The “Nonsense” singer spoke about Taylor’s reaction to the opportunity in a recent interview with Rolling Stone. “I’ve been very, very communicative with her about that situation, and I just love her so much and support her till the end,” she said. “It was no weirdness for me, but I know people will just say things because that’s all they have time to do.”
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