Demi Moore looked like she had a blast on a trip through the Grand Canyon. The actress, 60, shared a handful of photos from her trip on Instagram on Monday, October 30. She showed the beautiful views, as well as opened up about what a fantastic time it was. She also showed off some of her amazing looks on the adventure, including sporting a sexy black bikini while standing in a waterfall.
Demi shared a few photos of herself rocking the black bikini, including the one where she stood in the waterfall. Some of the other bikini shots included a group shot of the other travelers under the waterfall and a selfie with some of the other women that she spent time with on the trip.
Some of the other photos and videos that Demi posted included her dancing in her lifejacket while riding along the river, and her acting silly while on land, tip-toeing around while raising her hands. She also included a few more selfies with her friends from the trip. She also showed some of the stunning views that she saw in the Grand Canyon.
In the caption, the Ghost actress spoke about what a moving experience the “adventure” was, while shouting out the tour guides. “Back in September, I had the opportunity to journey through the Grand Canyon on the Colorado River alongside so many beautiful souls. We laughed, cried and formed lifelong bonds that I will hold close to my heart forever. I will never truly be able to describe the many ways that this recent nature immersion has impacted me,” she wrote. “Thank you Tillie for bringing us all together and showing us that we can advocate on nature’s behalf.”
Earlier in the post, Demi also wrote about how impacted she was by seeing nature’s beauty, and she provided fans with a resource to find ways that they can help preserve the environment. “Standing on the banks of the Colorado River as we all took in its magnificence and beauty, I was reminded of the urgent need to preserve and protect this vital lifeline,” she wrote.
While it may not be peak bikini season anymore, the black bathing suit isn’t the only one that Demi’s shown off for fans this year. Back in August, she was spotted rocking a green swimsuit while on vacation in Greece. For the Fourth of July, she sunbathed in a blue two-piece in a series of photos on her Instagram.
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