Gisele Bündchen had a fabulous time with her family back in Brazil. The model, 43, shared tons of photos taken during the trip on her Instagram on Tuesday, September 26. She shared cute photos of her kids, Vivian, 10, and Benjamin, 13, and family members hugging one another, as well as group photos of the extended family. “Always in my heart and prayers,” she wrote in English and Spanish.
The photo set began with a trip to the famous Christ The Redeemer statue. In the first photo, Gisele stood on the shoulder and mimicked the arm motions. In another photo, she looked at the statue head-on. She also included shots of her parents, Vania and Valdir, as well as Benjamin hugging each of his grandparents. She also included shots of her kids with their cousins and a cute group shot of her with her parents and siblings.
The trip to Brazil comes nearly a year after Gisele and her ex-husband Tom Brady announced that they would be divorcing. Back in June, the former NFL player revealed that his kids had lots of trips planned for the summer, including a vacation in Brazil. “They got lots of good plans, These kids have a really good summer lined up,” he said in an interview with People. “I think it’s always a balance between letting them do those things and staying connected with people from Boston and from Tampa and from Costa Rica and from Brazil.”
While Gisele has stayed in Florida since the split, she has taken quite a few trips to her home country of Brazil since she and Tom split up. She returned to Brazil in December 2022 for her first Christmas since the split from Tom. In February, she went to the country’s famed Carnival celebration. She returned again at the beginning of August and wrote about how it was a great experience to return in an Instagram post. “What a magical place! I am so recharged and inspired,” she wrote.
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