Britney Spears looked sensational in two yellow bikinis for her latest beach day. The pop star, 41, soaked up the sun as she rode a horse in a video posted to her Instagram account on Sunday, July 16. She opted for a bustier style bikini top and low rise bottom for the excursion, switching up from a plaid version earlier in the day. “My first time on a horse at the beach and it was literally insane !!! Of course I was trying to act cool and collected !!! But I was too damn excited,” she penned in a caption, sharing a video of the moment.
Other than her bikini, she wore a cowboy hat and a simple necklace, opting to go bare foot. She set the video to “We No Speak Americano” by Yolanda Be Cool and DCup for a vibe, giving her millions of fans a glimpse of what might be on her summer playlist this year.
While she didn’t tag a location, it appears that she is on vacation elsewhere outside of Los Angeles — perhaps in Mexico. “First time on a horse at the beach !!! I scared myself because I’ve never felt so alive,” she wrote in a second video of herself in a yellow gingham print bikini, giving Clueless vibes as she danced up a storm (another one of Brit’s favorite things to do). She accessorized with white sunglasses for the fun video, seemingly having the time of her life! Later that same afternoon, she got back on a horse as she referenced her “southern” roots from Kentwood, Louisiana. “Southern girl singing on my horse,” she exclaimed.
A few days before her horse back riding adventure, the “Baby!…One More Time,” singer revealed she is on the getaway with her husband of just over a year, Sam Asghari, 29. The fitness model got into the shot as Britney revealed she was making bracelets on her trip, and having the best time doing so. “So they’re flowers, and they’re handmade with beads!” she shared excitedly after also hilariously revealing that her bathing suit was “too big.”
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