Sofia Vergara, 51, looked beautiful during a recent getaway in Italy. The actress took to Instagram to share two new photos of herself rocking a neon green one-piece swimsuit while posing in a doorway that gave a glimpse of her outside view. She also had her long hair down and added flattering makeup to her look as she looked away from the camera in one photo and at the camera in the other, and smiled.
The beauty’s incredible outside view could be seen behind her. It included a clear blue sky and water. There was also a table and a chair on the balcony she was posing on.
Once the photos went public, Sofia’s fans couldn’t resist commenting. “This woman is 25 years eternally?? 🤷🏻♂️,” one fan wrote, while another wrote, “This woman does not age! Wow!” A third added, “I love you,” and many more left heart emojis to signify their love of the photos.
Sofia’s latest eye-catching photos come just two weeks after she made headlines in another swimsuit. She wore nothing but black bikini bottoms as she laid out in the sun to tan, in a photo she shared. She also shared her joy over summer by captioning the post with, “My thing is summer!” in Spanish.
When Sofia’s not wowing in her swimsuits, she’s doing so with her different hair colors. In Apr., she shared a photo of herself posing with blue hair, and it got a lot of attention from her fans. Many of them complimented the bold look, which seemed to go perfectly with her pink bikini top.
Sofia’s not just great at posing in fashionable swimwear, she’s also great as a judge on America’s Got Talent. During a recent audition by aerial act Duo Desire, the talented star was amazed and didn’t hesitate to let it be known. She even held fellow judge Simon Cowell‘s arm in anticipation and screamed at one point as she watched the act perform their magic.
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