No one messes with Ice-T or his family. The 65-year-old rapper took to his wife’s Instagram comment section to defend her against trolls who slammed her for posting a revealing bikini shot on Tuesday, July 4. In the photo, which can be seen here, Coco Austin, 44, posed in barely there white bikini bottoms and a cropped red tank that had “Arizona” printed across it on the front. The tiny top allowed for a hefty amount of underboob, and Coco posed facing forward and turned around so people had an up-close-and-personal view of her curvy figure.
After Ice-T noticed some internet trolls being super rude to the model — with one telling her to “get over” herself and several others shaming her for showing so much skin as a mom — he immediately took action. “If you have a Problem with Coco… Why do you still Follow her???” he commented. “Weirdo s***…” Coco has not addressed the hate, but she likely appreciates her husband’s unwavering support!
As fans may recall, this is not the first time the “Colors” hitmaker has taken to the internet to clap back against Coco’s haters. In February, Ice-T responded to a critic who described Coco’s 2023 Grammys dress as “three sizes too small”. He responded, “When was that last time you had some D***.. That’s the problem. Lol.” He then returned the favor and insulted the Twitter user who came out against Coco and sarcastically called her “Hot as F….”
In May 2022, Ice-T hit back at CNN for sharing an article about his and Coco’s decision to push their then 6-year-old daugher, Chanel, in a stroller while vacationing in The Bahamas. “Lol… CNN? Really?” he tweeted. “MFs ain’t got s*** else to talk about. F em all. Smh. Lol.” Coco also took to Twitter to address the backlash. “This stroller thing trending right now about me using a stroller to push Chanel around is ridiculous! Isnt there a war & mass shootings going as we speak & you’d rather mess with my mothering? SMH,” she slammed.
The Law & Order actor and Coco also got questioned in 2022 when the latter shared a video of herself giving her daughter a bath in the kitchen sink and when they revealed in 2020 that at 4 years old, Chanel was occasionally breastfed. “At a time when the world feels like its coming to an end.. suck up as much love as you can!” Coco wrote in an Instagram pic that showed Chanel feeding from her nipple. “I know the moms out there will appreciate this pic! Ive been getting alot [sic] of props in the breasfeeding [sic] community and get tons of emails from woman/moms appreciating me bringing light to the subject .. I write a baby blog about my journey with Chanel and soon I will write about what it’s like to continue boob time with a 4 year old.” In 2021, Coco called the time with her daughter “a big bonding moment.”
Coco and Ice-T clearly don’t let the haters get to them and are going to do as they please!
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