Nadya Suleman, who is sometimes publicly known as “Octomom,” gave fans an update on her fitness regime in a June 27 Instagram post. Nadya explained how she manages to keep in shape amidst her busy lifestyle, which includes raising 14 children. “Lifting weights has been my method of constructively channeling stress, consistently, for over 30 years,” she shared. She also added that after giving birth to her octuplets, who are now 14, weight training has been an even more important part of her life.
“As a repercussion of the pregnancy, I sustained three more herniated discs; bilaterial sciatica, damaged sacrum and peripheral neuropathy (and a torn abdominal cavity to top it off),” she continued. “Such disabilities would render me incapacitated if I were to lead a sedentary lifestyle. Though it seems counterintuitive, the more active I am, the less pain I experience.”
Along with the post, she shared workout selfies of herself in the gym, wearing a sports bra and leggings while posing in the mirror. She said that she does strength training workouts three to four times a week and tops it off with an hour of cardio (the stationary bike) four to five days a week. In addition to her octuplets, Nadya also has six older children, which includes a set of fraternal twins. Her children were the result of IVF treatments, which she started when she was just 21 years old.
“To my fellow busy parents out there, never compare yourself to to anyone else!” she urged. “Your fitness journey is unique to you, so only strive to be the best version of yourself. Focus on setting personal goals and aim to achieve them, progressing at your own pace.” She also urged her followers to “lead by example” so that their children will follow. In addition to the gym selfies, Nadya also shared a video of one of her intense workouts in the gym.
Nadya’s fame came in 2009 when she gave birth to the octuplets after implanting 12 embryos into her uterus at once. It is recommended that women of her age at the time do not implant more than two or three at a time.
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