Idina Menzel celebrated Pride Month with her son Walker at an event in West Hollywood on Friday, June 2. The actress, 52, shared a rare photo of herself hugging her 13-year-old son at WeHo Pride. She had a huge smile on, and she said that her son was “proud” of her for taking part in the celebration. While she covered the teen’s face with a heart emoji, he looked like he was smiling wide next to his mama.
In the shot, Idina rocked a sparkling black jumpsuit with cutouts, designed by Bao Tranchi. She wrapped her arms around Walker, who was wearing an all gray outfit with a Nike hoodie and matching sweatpants. “My son was proud of me during #pride,” she wrote in the caption on Sunday, June 4. “That’s all that matters.”
Besides the photo with her son, the Frozen actress also shared a few stills of herself performing at Pride in the sexy jumpsuit. She performed a short set of three of her most well-known songs from her stage and film career. She sang “Defying Gravity” from Wicked, “Let It Go” from Frozen, and “No Day But Today” from Rent, per Along with the photos, she also shouted out the designer for her fabulous outfit. “My new favorite designer. Thank you for my custom jumpsuit, @baotranchi,” she wrote. “I felt sexy and special and ready for #pride.”
Walker is Idina’s only son. She shares him with her ex-husband Taye Diggs, 52. The two actors were married from 2003 to 2014. The Uncut Gems actress has since remarried actor Aaron Lohr, 47, in 2017. While Walker is Idina’s only child, she did reveal that she had tried to have another child with Aaron via IVF in her docuseries Idina Menzel: Which Way To The Stage.
She opened up about struggling with IVF in a December 2022 interview with InStyle. “At a certain time, you’re exhausted emotionally and physically. It becomes apparent that it is just time to let that go and move on,” she said. “The more you [try for it] — and when it doesn’t happen, you’re upset, you realize how much you want it.”