Robin Wright, 57, was seen looking fit and sporty during her latest outing in Beverly Hills, CA on Friday. The former wife of Sean Penn, 62, wore a black long-sleeved top under a matching vest, black leggings, and blue, green, and black sneakers as she reportedly left a health spa during the outing. She also had her hair pulled back and appeared to be makeup-free as she wore dark-framed glasses and carried an orange and black water bottle and a purse.
Robin’s outing comes after she clarified her relationship with Sean, whom she was married to from 1996 until 2010. The exes, who share children Dylan, 32, and Hopper, 29, sparked reconciliation speculation when they were spotted at LAX together in Jan. It was the first time they were photographed together in many years, but Robin later confirmed they are just friends and she’s grateful for it.
“To be friends with the father of your children… I mean, it’s a gift because we know divorce with children is one of the most difficult things in life,” she told E! News in Feb. “We’re always gonna be family, whether we’re together or apart, you know? And I think that’s beautiful, and I wish that for everybody.”
After their divorce, both Robin and Sean romantically moved on and were both married again. She said “I do” with Clement Giraudet in 2018 but it was reported they separated in 2022 and she filed for divorce. Sean married Leila George but in Oct. 2021, it was reported they split and their divorce was finalized in 2022.
The former spouses were also married to people before they married each other. Robin’s first husband was Dane Witherspoon and their romance lasted from 1986 until 1988. Sean’s first wife was singer Madonna. Since they were both in the spotlight during their union, which lasted from 1985 until 1989, it received a lot of attention. The singer even wrote her 1986 hit song “True Blue” about her love for the I Am Sam actor.
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