Tom Hanks and his wife Rita Wilson made headlines for a viral red carpet photo at the Cannes Film Festival on May 23. In the picture, which you can see here, Tom appears to be scolding a PR manager at the premiere of his film Asteroid City during the event. He could be seen pointing his finger in the man’s direction with an apparent scowl on his face. Meanwhile, Rita also had a finger raised as she addressed the publicist.
However, Rita has new set the record straight about what was really going down when the picture was snapped. It turns out that the moment was just due to confusion over where she and Tom were supposed to be standing during the chaotic red carpet. “This is called, ‘I can’t hear you. People are screaming. What did you say? Where are we supposed to go?'” she wrote on her Instagram Story. “But that doesn’t sell stories! Nice try! We had a great time.”
Tom is one of the ensemble cast members in Asteroid City, along with stars like Scarlett Johansson, Bryan Cranston, Adrien Brody, Steve Carrell, Margot Robbie and more. Rita also has a part in the upcoming movie. After premiering at Cannes, the film is set for a wide release on June 23.
For the premiere, Rita looked absolutely stunning in a black gown and matching cape, which both featured embellishments across the top sections. The dress featured sheer sleeves and she accessorized with diamond earrings. Meanwhile, Tom was dapper in his black tuxedo on the red carpet. The two were all smiles as they continued to make their way down the carpet once they had a handle on where they were supposed to be standing.
After first meeting in 1981, Tom and Rita tied the knot in 1988, and have now been married for 25 years. They have two children together, while Tom also has two kids from his first marriage to Samantha Lewes.
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