Charlize Theron stunned onlookers with her fabulous fashion at the premiere of Fast X in Rome on Friday, May 12. The Oscar winner, 47, took over the star-studded red carpet in a barely-there ensemble featuring a set of black lingerie under a sheer wrap dress. Topping off the jaw-dropping look with a black beret and matching stiletto heels, Charlize, who reprises her role as the villainous Cipher in the upcoming film, was the absolute moment.
The South African beauty shared snaps of her incredible outfit on her Instagram as well. And that’s where she’s been teasing her return to the action franchise sinc2 2022, when the 10th installment began pre-production. Universal Pictures teased Charlize’s return as well, as the company released a snippet of a scene where Charlize’s Cipher engages in the ultimate showdown with Michelle Rodriguez’ character Letty.
Along with Michelle, Vin Diesel, Tyrese Gibson, Jordana Brewster, Ludacris, Nathalie Emmanuel, Sung Kang, John Cena, Jason Statham, and Scott Eastwood all reprise their respective roles in the movie. The latest episode also introduces newcomers Jason Momoa, Daniela Melchior, Brie Larson, and Alan Ritchson.
Aquaman star Jason recently revealed how he approached playing the bad guy opposite Vin Diesel in the iconic franchise. “I talked to Vin and said, ‘Yo, Daddy-o, I’m here to support you, but I’m going to do it my way. I’m going to be a bad man, and you’re going to want to take me out!’ It felt really good to go there without some ego competition, like, ‘Who’s this?’ and ‘Who’s that?’” he explained a Men’s Health video series. “I’m like, ‘No, dude, you got ten movies under your belt. It’s an honor to be here. I’m down to go down.’”
Meanwhile, Charlize kept her risqué style on point during the Oscars weekend last month as well. The former model left an Oscar dinner in Los Angeles looking like a billion bucks in a barely-there ensemble featuring an exposed black bra and fishnet stockings! She proved, once again, that she hasn’t left her cover girl experience far behind!
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