Sami Sheen, the 19-year-old daughter of Charlie Sheen and Denise Richards, is looking too hot to handle in her most recent Instagram post. The OnlyFans model took to the ‘gram on May 12 to share stunning photos of herself rocking a strapless black crop top on the beach as the sun set in the distance. The photos, which begin at the second slide in the below carousel, showed her striking several poses at the camera, with one of them showing her placing her middle finger on her tongue.
Sami’s long, bleach-blonde hair beautifully contrasted her all-black outfit, while her silver rings, bracelets, and belly button ring added some sparkle to the gorgeous snapshots. She framed her eyes with black winged liner, and showed off her cheekbones with pink blush. Sami slayed not only in the pics, but in the caption as well. Showing off more of her confidence, she wrote, “i’d miss me too.”
The beach photos are reminiscent of the few she shared on her Instagram back in February. In the carousel she shared on the final day of the month, Sami posed in a black one-piece swimsuit that featured cutouts on the front and back. She showed off her long legs as she posed on the shoreline at night. Her long, platinum-blonde hair once again added a pop of color to the otherwise dark photos. “some digitals for u,” she captioned them. Well, thank you for your kindness!
Sami is the older sister of Denise and Charlie’s other daughter, Lola Rose, who was born in 2005. Sami made headlines in June 2022 when she debuted her OnlyFans page and promised to share sexy snapshots on the platform. Her father was immediately critical of her and blamed Denise, 52, for his daughter’s new business. “She is 18 years old now and living with her mother. This did not occur under my roof,” Charlie, 57, told Us Weekly at the time. “I do not condone this but since I’m unable to prevent it, I urged her to keep it classy, creative and not sacrifice her integrity.”
Denise was immediately supportive of Sami and even joined OnlyFans herself less than two weeks after her daughter’s debut. The former Two And A Half Men star eventually came around and applauded his daughter for her efforts. “Denise has illuminated a variety of salient points, that in my haste, I overlooked and dismissed,” his publicist shared with Us Weekly on June 18. “Now more than ever, it’s essential that Sami have a united parental front to rely upon, as she embarks on this new adventure. From this moment forward, she’ll have it abundantly.”
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