Meghan Markle, 41, was spotted for the first time since King Charles‘ coronation on Sunday. The Duchess of Sussex, who stayed home in California to celebrate her son Prince Archie‘s 4th birthday instead of attending the London ceremony, went for a hike with pals. She was photographed smiling as she walked in the sun and wore an outfit that included a black top under a dark green jacket, black leggings, blue socks, and hiking boots.
The beauty also added a sun hat, sunglasses, and a light mauve bandanna around her neck to her look. Her hair was also pulled up under her hat and she accessorized with various jewelry, including bracelet and the Maya Brenner x Abigail Spencer ‘The Clarity Retreat Necklace’ designed by her close pal Abigail, who she appeared with on Suits. She seemed to be engaged in a conversation with her friends, who were Markus Anderson and Heather Dorak, and at one point, took her jacket off and tied it around her waist, revealing her toned arms.
Meghan’s husband, Prince Harry, 38, didn’t appear to be on the hike with her. He may have been at home with their kids, Archie, and Princess Lilibet, 1, since he flew straight back to the states after the coronation ceremony yesterday. It’s believed he arrived back in time to celebrate the later part of Archie’s birthday with him.
The Duke of Sussex made headlines on Saturday, when he arrived at Westminster Abbey to see his father and stepmother, Camilla Parker Bowles, officially crowned King and Queen of the United Kingdom. He sat in the third row of the church and didn’t appear to interact with his father or his brother, Prince William and his family, in front of the cameras. He did flash many smiles throughout the big event, however, and was later seen getting into a car to make his way back to his California home.
On the same day Meghan was seen hiking, the coronation concert happened. It included various musical performances from some of the biggest artists in the music industry, such as Lionel Richie, Katy Perry, and more.
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