Bad Bunny and Kendall Jenner packed on the PDA at Coachella on Sunday, April 16. The singer, 29, was spotted whispering something to the supermodel, 27, in her ear as the rumored new couple partied in the crowd at the music festival. Bad Bunny wore a bandana over his mouth as he leaned in close to a smiling Kendall to tell her something. Bad Bunny and Kendall were both dressed in white and had on black sunglasses for the final day of weekend 1 of Coachella 2023.
Bad Bunny performed at Coachella on Friday, April 14, and Kendall was there in the crowd supporting her alleged new beau. A Twitter video showed Kendall walking with her arm around a friend as they made their way closer to the stage where the Puerto Rican pop star was performing his set. Kendall had a giant smile on her face and looked so happy to be watching Bad Bunny slaying at the festival.
Kendall and Bad Bunny still haven’t confirmed their romance, even though they’ve been seen out and about together several times. The two were first linked back in February, when they were spotted on a romantic dinner date in Beverly Hills. They followed that up with more outings together including Jay-Z and Beyoncé’s Oscars after-party, a romantic sushi date, a night out clubbing, and a horseback riding date.
Four months before her first public date with Bad Bunny, Kendall split from NBA star Devin Booker, 26, after two years of dating. “Both have incredibly busy schedules right now with their careers and they’ve decided to make that a priority,” a source told PEOPLE about the reason for Kendall and Devin’s breakup. “They have a lot of love and respect for each other and wish only the best,” the insider added.
Bad Bunny, meanwhile, was last dating his girlfriend of five years, Gabriela Berlingeri, but their status is unknown amidst his apparent romance with Kendall.
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