Gina Rodriguez‘s son Charlie made his big Instagram debut on Wednesday, April 5. The Jane the Virgin star shared the first glimpse of her baby boy, and revealed his name, to her 4 million followers, after keeping her son off her social media since he was born earlier this year. Gina snapped a selfie of Charlie resting against her chest, and shared it in the slideshow of her “three favorites.” She included her new show Not Dead Yet, and dancing with DWTS pro Sasha Farber, as her other “favorites.”
In the dancing video, Gina had her baby boy strapped to her chest, and that didn’t slow down her dance session at all. Charlie didn’t seem to fuss at all as Gina moved around and showed off her dance moves with Sasha. In her caption, Gina revealed, “yes, I am breastfeeding while ballroom.” Now that’s a mom who can multi-task!
Gina has not revealed the exact date she gave birth. Her agent confirmed to PEOPLE on March 19 that the Golden Globe winner and her husband, Joe LoCicero, welcomed their first child together. Gina announced her pregnancy in July 20222. She shared a montage that ended with her holding up a positive pregnancy test in the mirror as Joe held her from behind.
Gina and Joe got married in May 2019, with Gina sharing a special video of her big day to Instagram. A year prior, she confirmed her engagement to the entrepreneur, telling ET, “Life is good. Love is good. He did great [with the ring]. He did great. Yeah, ’cause it’s my style, right? That’s all that matters. He knows what I like and he knows my heart and he rocks.”
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