Zendaya, 26, showed off her natural beauty as she went makeup-free on her latest outing with her boyfriend Tom Holland, 26. The Spider-Man: No Way Home co-stars were spotted arriving at the Mumbai airport on Friday, March 31, and Zendaya had not a touch of makeup on her face, and she still looked effortlessly gorgeous. The Emmy Award winner was dressed in casual airport attire including a black hoodie sweatshirt and a white T-shirt. Zendaya also wore a pair of glasses and kept her curly brown hair in a half ponytail.
Tom also wore a casual outfit just like his girlfriend. His outfit included black hoodie with a pink shirt, blue jeans, and a white hat. The Uncharted star carried a black backpack as he got into a car with Zendaya outside of the airport. It’s unclear what Tom and Zendaya are in Mumbai for. But it’s nice to know the two lovebirds are still going strong and traveling the world together!
Zendaya and Tom have been dating for almost two years, and recently it became apparent that their relationship is getting pretty serious. In a video shared by London manicurist Marina Dobric, Zendaya showed off her perfectly manicured hands while rocking a gold ring elaborately inscribed with the letters “T” and “H,” which are obviously Tom’s initials. Interestingly, Tom actually wore that same ring throughout the Spider-Man: No Way Home press tour in 2021, so fans speculated that the ring is actually his, and that he gave it to his famous girlfriend.
Since they started dating, Tom and Zendaya have been extremely private about their relationship. They rarely talk about each other in interviews, but Zendaya did make an exception during her 2022 “Actors On Actors” interview with Andrew Garfield for Variety, where she mentioned how she was there to support Tom during rehearsals on the set of Spider-Man: No Way Home. “What was really funny when I think about it is Tom was so nervous about you guys coming in,” she said. “That’s why we were there. We were there for emotional support.”
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