Ciara, 37, clapped back at the haters of her Oscars after-party outfit in a TikTok video on March 15. In the video, the “Like a Boy” singer had a white sheet completely draped over her body as she poked fun about the criticism over the sheer mesh gown she wore to the Vanity Fair Oscar Party. For the TikTok, Ciara also rocked black sunglasses as she walked in the bed sheet towards the camera, while audio played photographers calling out the superstar’s name.
@ciara Selective outrage 😭
Ciara titled the video, “POV: How I’m Pulling up to Vanity Fair Next Year.” She captioned the video, “Selective outrage 😭,” clearly referencing how some of the haters felt about her Oscars after-party gown. She seemed unbothered about the criticism, though, based on how she smiled and posed in her clap-back video. We love an unbothered queen!
Ciara shouldn’t worry about what the haters say, considering how incredible she looked at the Vanity Fair event. She showed up wearing nothing but black underwear underneath her sexy sheer mesh gown with a plunging neckline. Ciara modeled her smoking-hot body in her near-nude outfit at the March 12 event that followed the Academy Awards.
Ciara’s Vanity Fair Party look also included velvet gloves, black heels, and silver earrings. She styled her dark brunette hair in a sleek bob, as she posed for photos with her handsome husband Russell Wilson, 34. Russell’s look included a black jacket that he wore over a black button-up shirt with matching pants.
Ciara didn’t get as big of a reaction to her outfit at last year’s Vanity Fair Oscar Party. Her 2022 look included a shiny, merlot-hued ensemble with chic cutouts on the chest and on her midriff. She slicked her hair back and played up her eyes with some matching metallic shadow. Ciara also stays true to herself with her outfit choices, and she looks flawless no matter what she wears.
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