Academy Award nominee Michelle Williams looked stunning as she walked the red carpet at the 2023 Oscars on March 12. The actress, who is nominated for Best Actress at the awards ceremony, lit up the carpet in a strapless white dress which was decorated with silver embellishments. The ensemble featured a sheer cape, which wrapped around her shoulders and arms and had more beaded detailing. She had her hair colored platinum blonde and cropped short, and wore a pop of bright red lipstick for her glam look, along with Tiffany & Co. diamonds. Michelle was joined by her husband, Thomas Kail, at the star-studded event.
Michelle is being recognized at the Academy Awards for her role in The Fabelmans. The movie is also nominated for Best Picture, Best Director, Best Original Screenplay, Best Original Score ad Best Production Design, with Michelle’s co-star, Judd Hirsch, getting a nod for Best Supporting Actor, as well. Earlier this year, the movie won for Best Director (Steven Spielberg) at the Golden Globes.
Clearly, the Oscars are a big night for the cast and crew of this film, but Michelle is obviously no stranger to being an Academy Award nominee. This is actually the actress’ fifth time ever being nominated for an Oscar, although she’s never taken home a trophy. Her previous nominations include two Best Supporting Actress nods (for Brokeback Mountain and Manchester By The Sea), and two other Best Actress nominations (for Blue Valentine and My Week With Marilyn).
This awards season comes at a very precious time in Michelle’s life, as she recently welcomed her third child with husband Thomas Kail. News of the couple’s latest addition broke in November 2022 when they were photographed out and about with a newborn (Michelle had announced her pregnancy back in May). The two also share a son, Hart, who was born in 2020, while Michelle has a 17-year-old daughter, Matilda, whose father is the late Heath Ledger.
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