Ever the supportive wife, Priyanka Chopra showed up with a smiling face and her beautiful daughter for husband Nick Jonas, as the Jonas Brothers were honored with a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. In photos taken at the January 30 ceremony, Priyanka, 40 cradled one year old Malti Marie as she wore a striking brown high-necked top and accessorized with hoop earrings. Baby Malti was adorable in her first public appearance with a white bow and tiny stud earrings as mom cradled her.
Alongside her sat Sophie Turner (who is married to Joe Jonas) looking stunning in a red two-piece ensemble with ruffle details on her right shoulder. Their two daughters, whom they have kept out of the spotlight, did not appear at the ceremony. Danielle Deleasa (wife of Kevin Jonas) Rocked a taupe long sleeved number and held daughter Valentina Jonas on her lap. Daughter Alena was there, as well.
“My beautiful wife,” Nick said as he took the podium to accept the honor. “You are the calm in the crazy, the rock in the storm, and I love being married to you. It’s the greatest gift. And I love being a parent with you.” Nick then paid tribute to his tiny little girl, cracking an adorable joke. “Malti Marie. Hi baby,” he said. “I can’t wait to come back here with you in 15 years and embarrass you in front of your friends.”
As for Sophie, her hubby had a few adorable words for his very own Game of Thrones star. “Sophie, what up, homie?” he quipped. “You’re my partner in crime, you keep me motivated and inspired every day. I strive to be as cool as you. And uh, you got any plans after this?”
Nick Jonas shouting out Priyanka and Malti Marie Chopra Jonas during his #HollywoodWalkOfFame speech is everything. 🥺 pic.twitter.com/ueTL60Mtoj
— Entertainment Tonight (@etnow) January 30, 2023
As the world watched them receive the award (in the category of “Recording”), the brothers took the opportunity to make a huge announcement — they will be releasing a new album, aptly titled The Album on May 5th, and they’ll be heading out on tour again. “This journey has been a wild ride and we’re so grateful to share this passion of music for so long with the world,” Joe said during the ceremony.
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