Priyanka Chopra, 40, looked spectacular celebrating Diwali at the Beverly Hills Hotel on Oct. 23. The Indian actress stepped out in a gorgeous white dress with her husband Nick Jonas, 30, and her mom Madhu Chopra. Priyanka also wore a pair of gold earrings and she let her brunette hair down for the evening. The mother-of-one carried a black clutch purse in her hand.
Nick looked handsome in a black leather jacket over a black shirt and matching pants. He also sported a pair of black and white shoes. The “Jealous” hitmaker sweetly held hands with his mother-in-law, who looked gorgeous in a gold dress with a pair of matching heels.
The trio enjoyed a fancy dinner on the night before Diwali, which is observed by Hindus, Sikhs, Jains, and some Buddhists. Last year, Priyanka and Nick threw a party for the annual festival with special guests including Chrissy Teigen and John Legend. Priyanka also took part in a pre-Diwali celebration thrown by Mindy Kaling
This has been a milestone year for Priyanka and Nick with the arrival of their first child. Their 9-month-old daughter, Malti, was born premature and had to spend 100 days in the NICU after her birth. Priyanka finally shared the first photo of her baby girl on Mother’s Day with a heartfelt message. “On this Mother’s Day we can’t help but reflect on these last few months and the rollercoaster we’ve been on, which we now know, so many people have also experienced. After 100 plus days in the NICU, our little girl is finally home,” Priyanka wrote.
After baby Malti was born, HollywoodLife learned that Priyanka “has fallen more in love” with Nick now that he’s a father. “He is everything in a father that she sees in her own dad which is so heartwarming,” an EXCLUSIVE source told us. “They are new to this but are handling the situation best they know how,” the insider added of the A-list couple. “Because their baby came out a fighter it has made her and them that much stronger. Their bond is unbreakable.”
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