Nick Cannon, 42, and LaNisha Cole, 40, celebrated an important time in their daughter Onyx‘s life on Sunday. The actor and model posed for photos with the adorable four-week-old as they dedicated her to their church, in a new Instagram post. The doting parents dressed appropriately for the occasion, with Nick in a white and gold dashiki and LaNisha in a cream-colored sweater, and had their baby girl in a white lace dress.
“Such a beautiful Sunday! Onyx Ice Cole Cannon was dedicated to Yahweh today!!!” Nick wrote in the caption of the post. “Romans 8:31 ‘If God Be For Us, who can be against us!’ 🙏🏾❤️ #ChurchDrip.”
The sweet post brought on a lot of compliments and well wishes from followers once it was posted. “He might have a lot of kiddos (which is fine in my opinion, hell the more the merrier)..but one thing about nick he’s a present and amazing father to each and everyone one of them….,” one follower wrote while another wrote, “such a beautiful baby and momma.”
Nick and LaNisha’s daughter is Nick’s ninth of 10 children and she was born just nine days before Nick’s 10th child, Rise Messiah Cannon, whose mother is Brittany Bell, was born on Sept. 23. Brittany’s also the mother of Nick’s daughter Powerful Queen, 1, and son Golden, 6. They recently made headlines for attending one of Nick’s son’s basketball games with Rise in tow.
Nick’s other children include 11-year-old twins Monroe and Moroccan with ex Mariah Carey, son Legendary Love, 3 months, with model Bre Tiesi, and twins Zion and Zillion, 16 months, with Abby De La Rosa, who is the woman currently expecting his 11th child. Nick was also the father of his son Zen, who sadly passed away at the age of 5 months. He shared the baby boy with Alyssa Scott.
In Sept., an insider told us that Nick already has a plan on how to keep all of his kids connected despite some of them having different mothers. “Nick knows everyone is questioning how he can make this work but so far things are very smooth,” the insider told HollywoodLife EXCLUSIVELY. “He’s hyper vigilante with his scheduling and he makes sure everyone is in the loop. Nick wants all of his kids to know each other and bond and he talks to his older kids about it and is very honest with them.”
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