Before The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills reunion premiered on Oct. 12, Erika Jayne and Lisa Rinna made their feelings about Kathy Hilton pretty clear. They’re not her biggest fans, following her alleged meltdown in Aspen, and Erika further proved that at BravoCon 2022 on Oct. 14, when we asked her to share her thoughts on Kathy’s reunion performance.
Fans have only seen a glimpse of Kathy’s time at the Season 12 reunion so far, thanks to the explosive preview that debuted on Oct. 7, but Erika basically said fans shouldn’t expect much when she finally shows up in Part 2. When we asked Erika whether Kathy “owned it” at the reunion, Erika told HollywoodLife EXCLUSIVELY, “personally, no.” She didn’t elaborate any further, but it was enough to understand she’s still not fond of Kyle Richards‘ sister, who’s been at the center of a lot of the drama on RHOBH.
It should also be noted that Kathy didn’t attend the cast of RHOBH’s panel during Day 1 at BravoCon, so if fans want to know where the rest of the cast stands with her, they’ll have to watch the show and see how the rest of the reunion unfolds. What we can tell you, though, is that Lisa, who’s been targeting Kathy the most this season, was booed upon her entrance at the start of the Brad Goreski-hosted panel. But she also received a pretty loud applause immediately thereafter as she flipped off the crowd. And Kyle appeared to wince and roll her eyes many times throughout the panel as Lisa spoke, so it’ll be interesting to see where they end up after this season.
Lisa Rinna getting booed walking onstage at #BravoCon 💎 #RHOBH
— Gibson Johns (@gibsonoma) October 14, 2022
One other notable takeaway from panel came when Brad asked Crystal Minkoff which housewife she wouldn’t want to share a room with, and she playfully said Dorit Kemsley. Dorit only seemed somewhat offended, but offended enough to throw some subtle shade at Sutton Stracke, when she said if Crystal shared a room with her, she at least wouldn’t feel “violated”. The audience immediately gasped, but Sutton and Crystal laughed it off.
Want more? Part 2 of the RHOBH reunion airs Wednesday, Oct. 19, at 8pm on Bravo.
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