Blake Lively took to Instagram on August 24 with a rare bikini pic, as she enjoyed the day poolside with husband Ryan Reynolds. “Summer lovin’ …had me a blast,” Blake captioned the pic, alongside a sunshine emoji. Blake slayed in a white bikini with a short sleeve wrap style top, and bottoms with silver hardware details, as she posed near a luxurious swimming pool. Per usual, the Age of Adaline star wore her hair down in her famous beachy blonde waves as she smiled down at the camera. The photo comes just a day ahead of her 35th birthday.
Many of the stunning beauty‘s 34.7 million followers were thrilled with the breezy summer pic and took to the comments section to react to her summer look. “Stunning as always!” penned a follower, while another commented, “you‘re sooo beautiful.” A third quipped, “And that is why you are a virgo queen…”
Several fans noted Blake’s big day tomorrow. “Happy almost birthday!” wrote one, while another wrote, “How do you feel knowing that tomorrow you turn 35? You definitely stayed in your 20s.” Still others were more interested in where her Deadpool star husband was. “Throw some ryan in there,” commented a follower alongside a laughing emoji.
The mama of three has been married to Ryan since 2012, and apparently, it’s only gotten better for the iconic couple since then. “We don’t take each other too serious, but we’re also friends,” Ryan told Entertainment Tonight in a November interview. “Falling in love is great, but do you like each other? That’s the question you gotta ask yourself, you know, going into it. We’ve always liked each other. We grow together. We learn from each other. So yeah, I’m lucky to have a buddy in that.”
Blake clearly feels the same. The Simple Favor star took to Instagram on Valentine’s Day to post a selfie of the duo laughing together. “Find me a better friend,” she captioned the pic, alongside a heart emoji. “I’ll wait…”
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