Josh Brolin, 54, gave his fans a glimpse at his preparation for the upcoming Dune sequel. The actor took to Instagram on Thursday, August 4 and shared a video of his “morning warm up.” Josh’s workout is no joke: it involves several strenuous exercises in a sauna, followed by a “cold plunge” into an ice bath, and then cardio and core exercises. This guy is fully dedicated to the job!
At the start of the video, Josh is doing squats and pushups while shirtless in an outdoor sauna inside a cabin. Then, he exits the sauna and goes into a gray ice bath where he moans over the chilling temperature. A ton of water comes out of the tub as Josh sits in it to cool off his body. According to Josh’s post, the ice bath is at 36 degrees.
The Avengers: Endgame star detailed his full workout in his caption. He does a half hour of 20 squats, 20 dips, and 20 pushups in the sauna which is set to 225 degrees. Next he takes a plunge into the 36 degrees ice bath for five minutes. He ends the morning with a 25 minute cardio and core workout “without rest.” Josh also shared that he consumes “tons and tons of spice,” which is a reference to the sci-fi film.
Josh is set to reprise his role as Gurney Halleck in Dune: Part Two, which has begun filming and will be released in theaters on November 17, 2023. Gurney is the weapons master of House Atreides and a mentor to Paul Atreides, who is played by Timothee Chalamet. Dune, which is based on Frank Herbert‘s 1965 novel, takes place in the future and follows Paul as his family is thrust into a war for the desert planet Arrakis.
Timothee, as well as Rebecca Ferguson, Zendaya, Stellan Skarsgard, Dave Bautista, and Javier Bardem will also return alongside Josh for Dune 2. Florence Pugh, Austin Butler, Christopher Walken, and Lea Seydoux are joining the franchise as new characters. The first film won six Academy Awards and was nominated for Best Picture.
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