Tom Cruise turned 60 in style on July 3! The actor was spotted attending the Formula 1 Lenovo British Grand Prix 2022 at the Silverstone Circuit in Northhamptonshire, England on his special day, and was all smiles while mingling in a crowd. He wore a light blue polo top and pants during the outing, and accessorized with fashionable sunglasses, which he took on and off throughout the event. The Formula One race marked its 75th anniversary this year and is the 10th round of the 2022 Formula One World Championship, so it was quite a great way to spend his birthday!
Two days before Tom’s appearance at the race, he was also spotted at another public event, which happened to be Adele‘s concert. The Risky Business star was joined by his agent, Maha Dakhil, for the thrilling night of music, which took place in central London, and wore a sleek look that included a black polo top under a black suede jacket, dark blue jeans, and black boots. He was seen smiling while watching the show in the audience and wore a black face mask while walking with Maha outside the venue.
Before Tom’s latest birthday weekend outings, he made headlines for reportedly splitting from his rumored girlfriend Hayley Atwell last month, just a few months after they reportedly reconciled after a split in 2021. They were first rumored to be romantically involved in Dec. 2020.
“Unfortunately it hasn’t worked out for them. They have now decided they are better as friends,” a source told The Sun. “They get on really well, and have fantastic chemistry, which is why they decided to quietly give the relationship another try earlier this year. What was working behind closed doors didn’t work out so well when it was made public, and the fanfare around them as a couple exploded again.”
Tom’s reported relationship may not have worked out this year, but his new movie, Top Gun: Maverick, sure did. The sequel to 1986’s Top Gun became a box office smash when it hit theaters at the start of the summer movie season, and all eyes have been on Tom ever since. The talented star has attended premieres for the event and proved after all these years, his portrayal of U.S. Navy pilot, LT Pete “Maverick” Mitchell, in the film series, is still on point.
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