Priyanka Chopra followed the idiom of “A picture’s worth a thousand words” on Sunday, posting a novel’s worth of pictures and videos from her recent trip to Parrot Cay in Turks and Caicos. Captioning the gallery an “#idandgirl #photodump,” along with a few emojis, Priyanka, 39, relived all the love and fun that she and Nick Jonas experienced on their trip. In the first slide, Priyanka kisses Nick, 29, while they stand on the sand. The action began to heat up from there.
One photo showed Priyanka headed towards the water while wearing a yellow one-piece. In another slide, she’s dressed in aquamarine loungewear while catching an afternoon nap. The first video in the series showed Priyanka floating along the crystal-blue clear waters. There were shots of the sky at sunset and the water at sunrise. There was even a shot of Nick cuddling up to his wife while wearing a revealing black top. Even when the weather turned wet with some early-summer rain, Priyanka seemed to enjoy herself, thanks to a tropical drink inside a coconut.
No word if this was a “parents only” holiday or if the couple brought their newborn. Priyanka and Nick’s vacation comes roughly five months after they announced to the world that they had become parents. “We are overjoyed to confirm that we have welcomed a baby via surrogate,” they wrote. “We respectfully ask for privacy during this special time as we focus on our family. Thank you so much.” In the time since that announcement, Nick and Priyanka revealed they had a daughter who was born on Jan. 15 and that her name is Malti.
Priyanka shared the first glimpse of their daughter on Mother’s Day, along with the news that their daughter spent the first 100 days of her life in the natal intensive care unit. “Our little girl is finally home,” wrote Priyanka. “Every family’s journey is unique and requires a certain level of faith, and while ours was a challenging few months, what becomes abundantly clear, in retrospect, is how precious and perfect every moment is.”
For her mother’s birthday, Priyanka shared a photo of the new grandmother holding her grandchild. “May you always smile that infectious smile of yours,” wrote Chopra.
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