SZA looked absolutely beautiful as she appeared on the red carpet for the 2022 Met Gala on Monday May 2. The 32-year-old singer, whose real name is Solána Imani Row, wore a hot pink strapless dress for the evening, but her biggest statement was definitely the huge black hat that she wore for the party.
Along with the solid black hat, SZA wore a matching pair of latex pants and black booties, which the dress had a leg slit to show off. She matched the legwear with a pair of elbow-length gloves. She also had a beautiful necklace with a beautiful pendant on for the occasion.
The Met Gala appearance came about one month after SZA celebrated her first Grammy win on April 3, when she took home the award for Best Pop Duo/Group Performance for her collaboration with Doja Cat, “Kiss Me More.” When the singer took the stage to accept the award alongside Doja, she looked beautiful in a flowery dress, but she did need the help of some crutches getting up to the stage, as she hurt her leg after falling out of bed.
This wasn’t the first time that SZA attended the Met Gala. The singer looked gorgeous when she made an appearance at the event in 2018. She had an angelic and saintly look to her, in a pale pink gown, complete with a puffy skirt. The torso and leggings on the stunning outfit had an intricate design all over. The true center piece of her 2018 outfit was definitely the halo crown, which perfectly fit the “Heavenly Bodies” theme of the event that year.
The Met Gala appearance is certainly exciting for SZA’s fans, who have been eagerly anticipating her sophomore album, nearly 5 years after her debut record Ctrl. SZA pointed fans towards her label Top Dawg Entertainment’s president Terrence “Punch” Henderson in a since-deleted August 2020 tweet, when asked about her long-awaited second album, via Pitchfork. “At this point y’all gotta ask punch,” she wrote. “I’ve done all I can do.”
Despite a five-year-long wait, the singer has dropped a few tracks in the time since Ctrl. She recently dropped a collaboration with Cardi B and Summer Walker for the track “No Love” in March. She dropped three songs on an anonymous SoundCloud account on August 22, 2021, via Stereogum. S Back in 2020, the singer also collaborated with pop icon Justin Timberlake on the song “The Other Side” for the Trolls: World Tour soundtrack.
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