Proving, once again, she is not the one to come after, Paulina Porizkova slammed critics of a recent bikini selfie. Taking to her Instagram on Friday (April 29), the 57-year-old supermodel shared the gorgeous snap of herself rocking a tiny two-piece alongside a screenshot of a critic who blasted her for posting it. “I’ve always thought that getting old and ugly is the hardest on pretty people,” the social media troll wrote. “The fall from grace is so much farther when you were beautiful.”
Well, the Czechoslovak-born Swedish–American beauty didn’t take that lightly as she appeared to crack her fingers and get to typing out a scathing response. “I get comments like these every time I post a photo of my body,” she began. “This is the ageist shaming that sets my teeth on edge. Older men are distinguished, older women are ugly.”
“People who believe prettiness equals beauty do not understand beauty,” the former America’s Next Top Model judge continued. “Pretty is easy on the eyes, partly because it’s a little bland, inoffensive. It’s easy to take in and easy to forget.
Not so beauty. Beauty can be sharp. It can wound you and leave a scar. To perceive beauty you have to be able to SEE.”
Paulina concluded her message by writing, “This is why I believe we get more beautiful with age. We have earned our beauty, we understand what it is, and we can see it so much better. There is no such thing as ugly and old. Only shortsighted and ignorant.”
Back in November of 2021, Paulina clapped back at haters of a nude photo she shared to her 700k followers. The irritated commentor wrote, “At your age, you should be bathing in the love of your kids and your grandkids instead of traveling all over the world, parading around half naked and acting like a 16 year old.” The lengthy reply from the cover girl could be best summed up with: “I’m finally fully inhabiting this body of mine, I fully appreciate it, and I am fully celebrating it. I may be posting for you. But I pose for myself.” Checkmate, Paulina, checkmate.
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