Kim Kardashian, 41, showed off a chic professional outfit in her latest social media pics. The Keeping Up with the Kardashians star took to Instagram to post several new photos of herself rocking a black Prada oversized suit along with baby blue gloves as she walked in a hallway with a nearby elevator. She also wore sunglasses as she had her long hair pulled back and looked down in all of the snapshots.
“I put my heart and soul into every bottle, and I’m so incredibly proud of every KKW Fragrance product and collaboration that we have launched since Crystal Gardenia in 2017,” she continued. “Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your loyalty and love these last few years. I cannot wait to introduce you to the next chapter of my fragrance journey—I promise I won’t be gone for too long.”
Although Kim didn’t announce the new name her products will be under, she did register numerous trademarks under the name SKKN by Kim in recent documents from the United States Patent and Trademark Office , according to Page Six Style. In addition to cosmetics and fragrance, the filings apparently included other types of products like home goods, hair care, nail products, and candles.
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