Even with her packed schedule as a social media model and entrepreneur, Blac Chyna always finds time to gush about her sweet baby girl Dream Kardashian. The former reality star took to her Instagram on Saturday (Feb. 19) to share an adorable clip of the 5-year-old princess, whom Blac Chyna co-parents with her ex Rob Kardashian. In the video, Dream gets a close-up while she is having her hair done, choosing to smile at the shutterbug before putting on a sassy face! Watch all the cuteness below!
The post comes just days after Rob decided to drop his 2017 assault lawsuit against Blac Chyna. On Friday (Feb. 18), the reality star filed to dismiss his assault lawsuit and a judge has approved the motion, Page Six reported. “My love for Dream far outweighs my desire to proceed with my claims against her mother in a public trial,” Rob shared with the outlet on Friday. “Now that the court has ruled that there is sufficient evidence to warrant a jury trial on my claim for assault, for our daughter’s sake, I am dismissing the action and focusing on my co-parenting relationship with Chyna,” he added.
The lawsuit was initially filed after Rob claimed Blac Chyna attacked him in a haze of drugs and alcohol. According to court papers, Rob said Blac Chyna tried to strangle him with the cord of a cell phone charger. Rob also alleged Blac Chyna hit him in the face and head during the reported attack. Blac Chyna has denied all the allegations.
“Rob has sought to use his wealth and power via this vexatious lawsuit to smear Chyna as a mother and even as a human being for more than four years,” Blac Chyna’s lawyer, Lynne Ciani, told Page Six. “Rob dropped his case on the eve of trial, not because he suddenly wanted to drop the case ‘for the sake of his daughter,’ but because he knew his assault and battery accusations against Chyna were false. In other words, Rob’s avoidance of the serious consequences of an adverse jury verdict is why he dropped his case, not his supposed ‘concern’ for his daughter.”
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