Gigi Hadid, 26, blessed fans with a rare snap of her little 17-month-old girl Khai. She gave her fans a glimpse into her everyday life by posting her “recent.” She included a random assortment of photos ranging from a mirror selfie of wearing an adorable winter outfit to her latest meals to a pair of cute green sneakers. However, the picture that caught most people’s attention was the adorable pic of Khai, even though it was wedged in the middle of the carousel.
In the photo, Khai stood with her back to the camera and showed off an adorably tiny denim jacket that read “Khai” in rhinestones. “khais little outfit !!!!!!!!!!” One user exclaimed in the comments section while another added, “Stopppp not Khai’s baggy jean silhouette. It’s givinggggg!” And fans have every right to be excited. A photo of baby Khai is an extremely rare treat.
Gigi shares Khai with her ex Zayn Malik. The two were first romantically linked in 2015 and dated on and off for the next years. In 2020, Gigi announced she was pregnant and gave birth to Khai in September. However, they weren’t a happy family for long.
The next year, Zayn got into an altercation with Gigi’s mother Yolanda Hadid while Gigi was away. The two were disputing about Khai. Yolanda wanted to be more involved with caring for Khai which offended Zayn. The former One Direction member allegedly got aggressive and struck Yolanda. He has since denied striking her and pleaded no contest to the charges.
Regardless of the drama, Gigi reportedly has no plans of keeping Khai away from her father and wants him to remain a part of her life. “Gigi knows that Zayn is a good father to Khai, and she would never strip him of his rights as a father,” a source close to the situation told HollywoodLife EXCLUSIVELY. “Gigi has an incredibly close bond with her own father, and could never imagine taking that away from the daughter they share together.”
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