‘Grey’s Anatomy’ Star Greg Tarzan Davis: Jordan Will Do ‘Anything & Everything’ To Please Bailey

Dr. Jordan Wright is the newest doctor at Grey Sloan. HL got EXCLUSIVE scoop from Greg Tarzan Davis about what’s next for Jordan and Bailey.

Bailey has found the perfect resident to mentor. After Dr. Jordan Wright admitted to Meredith that he idolized Bailey and wished he’d gotten matched at Grey Sloan, Meredith pulled some strings to get Jordan transferred to Seattle. Greg Tarzan Davis spoke EXCLUSIVELY with HollywoodLife about being the newest Grey’s Anatomy cast member and how Jordan is going to make the best of his new situation with Bailey.

Greg Tarzan Davis
Greg Tarzan Davis with Ellen Pompeo on ‘Grey’s Anatomy.’ (ABC)

“You know, just like anybody would, when you meet your idols and you get a chance to work alongside them, you just want to try and grasp all the knowledge that you can from almost imitating them but do it in your own way,” Tarzan revealed. “There’s something that that mentor or that idol or whoever you look up to, there’s something that they have that you are attracted to and that you want. I think Dr. Jordan Wright is going to find that in Bailey. It’s almost like he’s starstruck. When you see some TV for so long, which he said he’s been watching her videos on YouTube and going to conferences, to finally get to say like, ‘Hey, how you doing? This is me.’ I think he’s going to have a great time just all in behind her trying to become the best surgeon that he can be.”

Bailey is one tough doctor, but she knows how to teach residents. “He will do anything and everything to try and please her,” Tarzan stressed. “I know that for a fact. You don’t want to disappoint the person that you’ve looked up to. It’s almost like a parent’s approval. Would it come off as kissing butt? I don’t know. Maybe to others, but I think for the most part it’s going to be just him pleasing her. He’s a great doctor, so there’s not much wrong that he could do.”

Chandra Wilson as Miranda Bailey. (ABC)

Jordan is the new guy in town, so can we expect him to make any new friends? “We would hope that Doctor Wright can become friends with other members at Grey Sloan, but there’s drama,” Tarzan teased. “He may make some enemies. Who knows? Honestly, I get the scripts a week in advance so they try to keep that very hush on how things are going to unfold with these characters because they want it to be a surprise, and they’re trying to find the best storylines for each character. We can film something today and they say, ‘Oh my gosh, we just thought of something better.’ And they go and write in something completely different with the storyline. So I think that the writers and creators of the show have an idea where Dr. Jordan Wright is going to go, but that is something I don’t know just yet.”

Tarzan revealed that Jordan is going to show everyone at Grey Sloan why he’s the “best” new resident they have. “I can say he is an overachiever,” Tarzan told HollywoodLife. “He does work hard. He speaks his mind. He’s not afraid to say what he likes or doesn’t like because he’s assured of who he is. A little background information about Jordan is when he was younger, his teachers didn’t have faith in him. He didn’t have much money. He came from a background that wasn’t the best. He wanted something better, so he decided to become a doctor. In order to not fall back to that stage in his life when he was younger, he is willing to do whatever it takes workwise to stay ahead. I think moving forward, and this is also my thought process on the episodes that we have filmed and the direction that we may go in, he’s the best that they have, and I think it’s going to be shown why he’s the best.”

Greg Tarzan Davis at ‘The Call of the Wild’ premiere. (ETIENNE LAURENT/EPA-EFE/Shutterstock)

As for whether or not Jordan will have a Grey’s Anatomy romance in the future, Tarzan noted, “That is the number one question I continue to get from everybody. Who is your love interest? It’s not Grey’s Anatomy if you don’t have a love interest. I’m like, I don’t know. If I did know, I’m not going to tell you because that will ruin the surprise.” Grey’s Anatomy season 18 airs Thursdays on ABC.

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