Actress Halle Berry turned out for the People’s Choice Awards on Tuesday, Dec. 7 in a stunning, sparkly black jumpsuit outfit as she showed up to the awards. The 55-year-old actress, who’s known to dominate the red carpet, dazzled in the zip-up look, which included a plunging neckline and metallic heels. The mother-of-two was also there to accept the “People’s’ Icon” award — presented to her by Cardi B — and thanked her two little ones in the process.
“My two little kids, they have to lose so much time with their mommy because I get to go work and do what I love, so thank you Nahla, thank you Maceo — I hope you find something in life that you can love and you can do with as much vigor and as much zest as I do what I do. I love you guys,” she stated during her speech.
The Bruised director made history in 2002 when she became the first Black woman to win for the category of Best Actress at the Oscar’s. For her memorable acceptance speech at the ceremony, Halle shouted-out her predecessors who notably paved the way for she and other Black performers to make a name for themselves in Hollywood.
During her time in the industry, Halle has also earned an Emmy, Golden Globe, SAG award, and NAAP Image Award for her portrayal as Dorothy Dandridge in HBO’s Introducing Dorothy Dandridge, a project she also produced. Since her epic win at the Academy Awards, Halle’s gone on to star in numerous blockbusters like the X-Men franchise and John Wick 3, next appearing in the upcoming Netflix movie Moonfall.
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