Sami Sheen took to Instagram and shared a bikini photo with her followers on Nov. 15. The 17-year-old daughter of Denise Richards, 50, and Charlie Sheen, 56, with whom she moved in with two months ago, flashed a wide smile for the camera. She looked happy in the snapshot while posing in a colorful purple, red, and pink swimsuit with heart shapes adorned throughout.
Sami sipped on a mocktail while posing for fans in a series of photographs. A girlfriend was pictured in a couple of photos as the girls looked relaxed while lounging poolside to soak up some sun. The photo dump also included Sami enjoying a girls’ night out at Sunset Strip’s famous Saddle Ranch. While stepping out for the evening at the iconic Chop House, she looked beautiful in a black lace number and bold red lip.
Fans flocked to the comments section to fawn over the blonde beauty. “You’re the prettiest person ever,” one follower wrote. “Enjoy your evening out,” one wrote. Sami snacked on some pink cotton candy in one of the photos. “Looks like so much fun!” another commented.
Sami’s series of snapshots comes less than two months after an L.A. judge ruled on Oct. 4 that Charlie no longer has to pay child support to the former Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star for their two daughters including Sami and her sister Lola, 16.
This was a big win for the Two and a Half Men actor. As we previously reported, Charlie is taking the time to enjoy the special bond he has with his girls. As Sami lives with her father full time, Lola is living with both parents. “Charlie loves all of his children very much,” HollywoodLife‘s source said. “He’s a total girl dad and has a super soft spot for his daughters.”
Charlie has always been a very “hands-on dad,” according to our source, despite having — at times — a difficult relationship with Denise. “As the girls were growing up, Charlie always did his best to clear his schedule to attend their activities like their horse shows and school meetings. They’ve always been really sweet, smart girls and he’s wanted to show them off.”
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