Ben Affleck reunited with his 12-year-old daughter, Seraphina Affleck, at an airport in Los Angeles on Sunday, October 16. The actor, 49, was photographed at Hollywood Burbank Airport walking side-by-side with his middle child, who had just flown into Southern California from an unknown destination. Ben was dressed in a brown jacket and T-shirt, beige jeans, and brown shoes, and he also had on black sunglasses and a protective black face mask that covered his nose and mouth.
Seraphina, meanwhile, sported a plaid flannel shirt, a matching vest, blue pants, and white sneakers. As the father-daughter duo exited the airport, Ben sweetly held onto Seraphina’s blue backpack and wrapped it around his right shoulder. Seraphina did keep holding onto one item, that being a book, while her actor father escorted the teen out of the airport to seemingly head home together.
It’s unclear where exactly Seraphina flew into L.A. from. The teenager was most recently photographed on October 9 in Santa Monica, with her mom Jennifer Garner and little brother Samuel, 9. The trio were seen venturing away from their usual neighborhood of Brentwood, and visited a friend’s home in Santa Monica. 15-year-old Violet, who is the eldest of Ben and Jen’s three kids, was not there for the Santa Monica outing.
Ben was previously married to Jen from 2005 to 2015, and since the split they’ve co-parented their children while remaining on relatively good terms. As fans know, the Good Will Hunting actor has rekindled his romance with Jennifer Lopez, and together Bennifer 2.0 has enjoyed several public outings with Ben’s kids and J.Lo’s twins Max and Emme, both 13. Back in August, the entire blended family spent time at Magic Castle in Hollywood together.
For the past months, Ben and J.Lo have remained fairly mum about giving their romance another shot 17 years after splitting. But in an interview with AdWeek published on Sunday, Sept. 19, Ben gushed over his superstar girlfriend, which marked the first time he publicly spoke about their relationship since the A-listers got back together in May 2021.
“All I can tell you is that I have seen firsthand the difference representation makes because I have seen, over and over and over and over, women of color approach Jennifer and tell her what her example as a strong woman and a woman succeeding and demanding her fair share in the business world means to them,” Ben told the publication. “I am in awe of what Jennifer’s effect on the world is.”
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