Kim Kardashian, 40, will make her debut hosting Saturday Night Live on Saturday October 9. The Keeping Up With The Kardashians star was spotted decked out in an inconspicuous Balenciaga outfit on Monday October 4, as she arrived for rehearsal. The star looked like she was undercover, as she arrived in an all-black outfit, carrying a large leather bag from her hotel.
Kim’s outfit was entirely black leather, with tall boots, a puffy vest and even a leather black baseball cap. She also had a pair of leather gloves on and a huge pair of sunglasses. The all-black outfit, where Kim looked like a superhero hiding a secret identity, was a definite resemblance to The Dark Knight himself, Batman. The KUWTK star seems to be enjoying the all-black looks. Another one of her outfits while heading to the comedy institution was another stylish black outfit, with thin sunglasses, as she carried the same bag.
Batman isn’t the only superhero Kim has channelled lately. Her Met Gala afterparty outfit was a sleek jumpsuit, where she had a huge set of shades, resembling a hero’s mask that made her look like Batman’s famous adversary (and later comrade) Catwoman. Kim has shown plenty of love for all-black outfits lately, many of which hide her face. She wore another fully-covering Balenciaga outfit as she stole the show attending the Met Gala in September. Earlier in September, she was spotted in an all-leather outfit, which included a mask covering her face.
Kim is set to host the second episode of SNL’s 46th season. She’s filling the role after Owen Wilson took over hosting duties during the sketch show’s season premiere! While Kim looks like she means business going to the comedy staple’s rehearsals, she has had some people doubt her, since she was announced as a host. Debra Messing asked “Why” she was hosting the show this season. “I mean, I know she is a cultural icon, but SNL has hosts, generally, who are performers who are there to promote a film, TV show, or album launch. Am I missing something?” she tweeted.
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