In between saving lives, Lahela got her driver’s license and now she wants some freedom. Steph encourages Lahela to ask for the keys to the car in this EXCLUSIVE preview of Doogie Kameāloha, M.D. Steph points out that Lahela has gone viral for saving Riptide’s chest. She’s even on TikTok!
“You’re like famous now,” Steph says. “There’s no way your parents aren’t going to give you the keys to the car. They let Justin Bieber buy a house.”

Lahela quips, “And Bieber saved no lives.” When Lahela walks into the house, she sees her parents watching her big save on the local news. They seem very impressed. Lahela decides to gather her courage and ask about the car. She tells them that she’d love to go to Starbucks with Steph for a “post-save celebration.”
Clara doesn’t get the hint and offers to drive Lahela and Steph. She wants to join them! “Actually, I was kind of picturing it just me, Steph, and your car,” Lahela says.
Before Clara gets an opportunity to give Lahela an answer, their conversation gets interrupted by Kai, who has brought a delicious cookie cake that he made. Clara and Benny praise Kai for his cookie cake-making skills and for getting a B+ on his midterm. Lahela tries to cut in amidst the cookie chaos to get those keys.

But Clara and Benny are preoccupied with the delicious cookie cake right in front of them. Lahela is understandably frustrated by Kai’s yummy distraction. Lahela may be a doctor, but she’s no match for a freshly baked cookie cake!
The official synopsis for the episode reads: “Yearning for freedom, Lahela defies Clara and takes the family car without permission.” New episodes of Doogie Kameāloha, M.D. air Wednesdays on Disney+.