Michael B. Jordan and Lori Harvey were seen holding hands after a sweet date night at celeb hotspot Craig’s in West Hollywood. The couple put on a loved-up display for the August 20 outing, as the actor, 34, and the model, 24, each cut very stylish figures. The Black Panther star opted for a patterned shirt which he wore unbuttoned, beige trousers and a white tee. He completed the look with a silver chain and a watch as he sported a buzz-cut hairstyle.
Meanwhile, Lori looked equally chic as she donned a leather black jumpsuit which featured a strapless neckline and tie at the waist. She paired the ensemble with towering black pumps, a rose gold watch, and glittering bangles on her wrist. She also carried a leather crocodile purse, and highlighted her gorgeous features with a bronzed makeup look.
The brunette beauty, who is the step daughter of Steve Harvey, was first linked to the actor once dubbed the ‘Hottest Man Alive’ in late 2020. The lovebirds confirmed their romance on Instagram in January, and since then, they’ve been spotted going on various date nights and packing on the PDA. Michael recently opened up about why he decided to confirm the relationship to the public.
“I’m still private, and I want to protect that, but it just felt like it was a moment of just wanting to put it out there and move on,” he told People. “I am extremely happy. I think when you get older, you feel more comfortable about the [public nature pf the business that we’re in,” he added. “So, for me, it was a moment to, I guess, take ownership of that and then get back to work.”
Michael also revealed he was taking “time” before having kids. During an interview on The Ellen DeGeneres Show, he discussed a name tradition in his family, and his plans for his future children. “I am breaking that circle right there,” he said. “It’s too much. The pressure I had to live up to my dad’s name and I’m not gonna put that on my kid … I’m gonna give him his own identity. He’s gotta walk in his own shoes.”
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