Teyana Taylor, 30, looked incredible when she was spotted spending time on the set of her upcoming film, A Thousand And One, on July 30. The actress/singer was wearing a white tank top under a gray hoodie and a pair of Daisy Dukes as she walked by onlookers in the Tribeca area of New York City during a break from filming the A.V. Rockwell feature. She also wore white socks under yellow slip-on sandals that had smiley faces on them and accessorized with several necklaces.
Her dark locks were tied back into a low ponytail while parted to the side and she rocked pretty makeup that included dark red lipstick. She was also holding what appeared to be a phone and some paper during the sighting, and flashed smiles to nearby cameras.
A Thousand And One was first announced in Dec. and will be A.V.’s directorial debut. It reportedly focuses on a free-spirited woman named Ines who kidnaps her six-year-old son from the foster system and they try and restart their lives in the Big Apple. Teyana’s role in the film has yet to be confirmed.
Before she turned heads on the set of the new flick, Teyana, who welcomed her second child last year, made headlines when she appeared on the cover of Maxim for its Hot 100 Women of Influence issue last month. She was named the number one Hot 100 star by the magazine and posed fiercely while wearing a white sleeveless crop top and camouflage pants. She topped the look off with large gold hoop earrings and matching necklaces and showed off a confident and serious facial expression.
Teyana shared her gratitude and excitement about being on the cover of the issue while sharing the photo on Instagram. “Somebody pinch me!!!! Maxim Hot 100 to be named the ‘Sexiest Woman alive’ by literally living in the skin I’m in. WOW….Stepping back in front of the lens has been a journey of self-reflection and self-confidence,” she wrote in part of the caption.
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