Kim Kardashian, 40, shared a tender moment with her sons on Instagram on July 21. The Keeping Up with the Kardashians star was working out in a gym while makeup-free when her oldest son, Saint, 5, and youngest son, Psalm, 2, stopped by for a visit. The doting mother was kissing and cuddling her boys in several cute pics she posted to her page and showed off a workout outfit that included a black crop top, matching leggings, and white sneakers.
“Little visitors in the gym today,” she wrote in the caption of the post. It didn’t take long for her fans to respond with loving comments and many of them adored the photos.
This isn’t the first time we’ve seen bonding pics with Kim and her kids, who also includes daughter North, 8, and Chicago, 3. On July 9, she was seen having a great time with Saint at Universal Studios Hollywood. The duo posed for memorable pics while enjoying time on amusement park rides and admiring the view. The tot looked like he was having the time of his life as he flashed big smiles and even hugged a friend’s daughter.
When Kim’s not spending quality time with her kiddos, she’s showing off her beauty in solo pics and this summer, she’s rocked more than one epic bikini photo. On July 13, she channeled her inner Ariel from The Little Mermaid by posing for pic while swimming underwater. She wore a flattering blue bikini in the snapshot and her long locks were swept behind her back as she flaunted her incredible skills.
The awesome pic got a lot of compliments and even Kim’s mom, Kris Jenner, called her daughter “beautiful” in a comment.
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